
Understanding Operators in C++

In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of operators in C++. Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values.

Types of Operators in C++

C++ has several types of operators, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Arithmetic Operators: Used for mathematical operations.
    • +: Addition (e.g., int sum = a + b;)
    • -: Subtraction (e.g., int difference = a - b;)
    • *: Multiplication (e.g., int product = a * b;)
    • /: Division (e.g., int quotient = a / b;)
    • %: Modulus (e.g., int remainder = a % b;)
  • Relational Operators: Used to compare two values.
    • ==: Equal to (e.g., if (a == b) { ... })
    • !=: Not equal to (e.g., if (a != b) { ... })
    • >: Greater than (e.g., if (a > b) { ... })
    • <: Less than (e.g., if (a < b) { ... })
    • >=: Greater than or equal to (e.g., if (a >= b) { ... })
    • <=: Less than or equal to (e.g., if (a <= b) { ... })
  • Logical Operators: Used to combine or negate boolean values.
    • &&: Logical AND (e.g., if (a && b) { ... })
    • ||: Logical OR (e.g., if (a || b) { ... })
    • !: Logical NOT (e.g., if (!a) { ... })
  • Assignment Operators: Used to assign values to variables.
    • =: Assign (e.g., a = b;)
    • +=: Add and assign (e.g., a += b; // a = a + b;)
    • -=: Subtract and assign (e.g., a -= b; // a = a - b;)
    • *=: Multiply and assign (e.g., a *= b; // a = a * b;)
    • /=: Divide and assign (e.g., a /= b; // a = a / b;)

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